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The Orchestra

Best thought of as a contemporary fusion ensemble we are looking for any musician who wants to join us in playing a repertoire that pops and rocks.

We recommend you're at least grade 5 on your instrument, but it's not compulsory (as long as you're competent!).  You don’t need any experience of playing with an orchestra - you just need to be enthusiastic.  


The orchestra will be the back bone of all our concerts as they will accompany the choirs as well as having their own moments.


Making music is a serious business, but we want our members to have fun in the process!  You play music and it’s called playing for a reason!  Don’t take yourself too seriously and you’ll fit right in.  Have a professional attitude and aim to make the best sound possible with everyone else - but don’t think that you have to be like a stereotypical orchestra player.

Meetings take place at:
Hatherleigh Community Centre,
Bowling Green Lane, Hatherleigh, EX20 3HB

Wednesday's 19:30 - 21:30 for Orchestra
Thursday's 18:00 - 19:30 (8-16
19:30 - 21:30 (Adults (16+))
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