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Join Us

Joining us could not be easier.

Simply turn up (with your instrument), fill in the membership form, pay your term fee and you are then a member!  This gives you the music in a folder and access to the rehearsal tracks.

Joining costs £60 per term for adults and £50 for the youth.  The Primary School age singing group is £40 per term.  The term is in line with the school calendar.  We do offer flexible payments as well - drop us a message to find out more.

If you would like to be involved but can't commit to weekly rehearsals, we offer an ad hoc membership.  Simply turn up when you can and pay £8 per session.  The membership package is the same (music and access to rehearsal tracks).

The membership fee covers all necessary costs (for example music, and venue hire).  It also means you are covered on the Stand Sure Orchestra & Choirs insurance whilst in a rehearsal with us, or performing at our concerts.

If you would like to become a member you can always download our welcome pack (which includes the membership form and terms & conditions) print it out, fill it in, and bring it with you to your first rehearsal.

Meetings take place at:
Hatherleigh Community Centre,
Bowling Green Lane, Hatherleigh, EX20 3HB

Wednesday's 19:30 - 21:30 for Orchestra
Thursday's 18:00 - 19:30 (8-16
19:30 - 21:30 (Adults (16+))
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